Coffee Ground Reading

35.00 incl. VAT

Welcome to our Online Coffee Ground Reading Service, where the ancient art of Tasseography meets the convenience and accessibility of the digital age. With this unique and mystical divination practice, you can receive insightful guidance and inspiration from the comfort of your home.

Tasseography, also known as coffee ground reading, is an ancient divination practice that has captivated cultures across the globe as a means of unlocking the secrets of the past, present, and future. Our gifted and experienced Tasseographers possess intuitive abilities to interpret the patterns and symbols formed by coffee grounds left in a cup with remarkable accuracy, providing you with profound insights and empowering messages.

Before completing the form and making a purchase

  1. We strongly advise you to thoroughly review this detailed article to acquire a thorough understanding of the service. The product description offers essential details regarding the process, duration, and scope of the reading.
  2. Take a moment to read this article to verify that your attached photos comply with the photo guidelines, ensuring precise and accurate readings.

Recommendation to the Buyers

We strongly recommend that buyers keep the results of their readings to themselves for at least 10 weeks and refrain from discussing them with others. The energies of third parties can significantly influence the outcome of the readings and may even disrupt the process with their own energy. By maintaining confidentiality, you can ensure a more accurate and insightful reading tailored to your own unique energy and circumstances.


Please be aware that coffee cup and plate photos that lack clarity or fail to capture the coffee grounds’ patterns may affect the accuracy and interpretation of the coffee ground reading. To ensure the best possible insights and guidance, we highly recommend providing clear and well-lit images. Our Tasseographers strive to deliver the most accurate readings, and clear photos significantly contribute to the quality of our service. While we strive to provide you with accurate insights and guidance, it is crucial to understand that the image quality plays a significant role in the reading’s accuracy. Your understanding and cooperation in providing clear images will help us deliver the most meaningful and insightful coffee ground reading possible. Thank you for choosing our service, and we look forward to guiding you on your journey of self-discovery and empowerment.


Report Delivery Time: 4 – 48 working hours

  • Coffee Consumer's Profile

    *Date of Birth
    Time of Birth
    *Zodiac Sign
    *Relationship Status
    *Your Reading's Topic
    If you have a specific matter for which you seek insight, describe it here

    Before uploading any photos, take a moment to read this article to verify that your attached photos comply with the photo guidelines, ensuring precise and accurate readings.

    *Cup Photo (Side 1)
    • (max file size 4 MB)
    *Cup Photo (Side 2)
    • (max file size 4 MB)
    *Cup Photo (Side 3)
    • (max file size 4 MB)
    Plate Photo - Top View (Optional)
    • (max file size 4 MB)

    By purchasing our intuitive reading service, the buyer acknowledges and willingly grants permission for the reader to connect energetically, either on themselves or on a third party, solely for the purpose of conducting the reading. This permission is extended with the understanding that the energetic connection is established with utmost respect, sensitivity, and ethical considerations, with the sole intention of providing insightful and meaningful readings.

SKU: CGR Category:

How to take photos

* For optimal visibility of the coffee grounds’ patterns, we recommend using a white or light-colored coffee cup and plate. This color provides a clean backdrop, allowing the patterns to stand out prominently and enhancing the accuracy of your coffee ground reading.

Coffee Cup

To ensure accurate and insightful coffee ground readings, it’s essential to take clear and well-lit photos of both the sides of the coffee cup and the plate. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you capture properly three photos or angles of your coffee cup:

  1. Side 1: Typically, this side is known as the front view of the cup and holds the most settled coffee grounds. Place the cup so that the front, with the most grounds, faces you. Capture it with a top-view shot, as demonstrated in the image below.
    Fay Spirits - Service, Coffee Ground Reading, Coffee Cup Side 1
  2. Side 2: Rotate the coffee cup to the right of the front view and capture a well-lit, clear photo, as demonstrated in the image below.
    Fay Spirits - Service, Coffee Ground Reading, Coffee Cup Side 2
  3. Side 3: Finally, rotate the coffee cup to reveal the remaining side. Capture a photo from this angle, ensuring that the patterns on the coffee grounds are clearly visible, as demonstrated in the image below.
    Fay Spirits - Service, Coffee Ground Reading, Coffee Cup Side 3

Coffee Plate

  1. Spread the Coffee Grounds: If you poured the coffee grounds onto the plate, tilt the plate vertically, allowing the coffee grounds to naturally spread out. Maintain a gentle and steady motion to ensure even distribution across the plate’s surface.
  2. Settle the Grounds: Allow the coffee grounds to settle for a moment to form distinctive patterns. Avoid disturbing the coffee grounds during this time to maintain the integrity of the patterns.
  3. Close-Up Shot: Take a close-up shot of the coffee grounds on the plate. Ensure the camera focuses on the patterns to capture them with clarity and detail.
    Fay Spirits - Service, Coffee Ground Reading, Plate Top View Capture

Tips to take well-captured photos

  1. Lighting: Use natural light or well-diffused indoor lighting to avoid harsh shadows and ensure accurate colors.
  2. Background: Place the coffee cup and plate on a simple, clean and uncluttered surface. A plain background will allow the patterns to stand out clearly.
  3. Stability: Steadiness is crucial for clear photos. Rest your hands to minimize camera shake and avoid blurry photos.
  4. Close-up Shots: For detailed patterns, take close-up shots of the coffee grounds within the cup and on the plate. Ensure the camera focuses on the coffee grounds for clarity.
  5. Coffee Cup Angles: Take at least 2-3 photos of the coffee cup from different angles, capturing all sides of the cup. Make sure the entire cup is visible in each photo.
  6. Plate Patterns: For the plate, focus on capturing the unique patterns formed by the remaining coffee grounds.
  7. Centering: Aim to center the coffee cup and plate within the frame for a balanced and visually appealing composition.
  8. Image Format: Choose a high-resolution image format (JPEG, PNG, etc.) to maintain image quality during the submission process.
  9. Review: Before submitting the photos, review each image to ensure they are clear and that the patterns are visible.
  10. If you’re using a smartphone, tap on the screen to focus on the cup before taking the photo.
  11. Take multiple shots for each angle to ensure you have clear and well-composed images to choose from.

By following these steps, you’ll provide our skilled Tasseographers with the necessary details to offer you a personalized and insightful coffee ground reading experience. Your photos will play a significant role in unlocking the hidden messages within the coffee grounds, guiding you on your path to self-discovery and empowerment.


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Fay Spirits - Service, Coffee Ground Reading Cover

Coffee Ground Reading

35.00 incl. VATAdd to cart