Tarot Card Reading

40.00 incl. VAT

Our experienced readers use the ancient art of Tarot to provide profound insights into your past, present, and future. Each card carries a unique energy, revealing hidden truths and guiding you on your spiritual journey. Whether you’re seeking clarity on love, career, or personal growth, our Tarot Card Reading offers a personalized and enlightening experience. Embrace the wisdom of the cards and discover the pathways to your destiny.

Before completing the form and making a purchase

  1. We strongly advise you to thoroughly review the product’s detailed description or this detailed article to acquire a thorough understanding of the service. The product description offers essential details regarding the process, duration and scope of the reading.
  2. Take a moment to read this article to verify that your attached portrait photo complies with the photo guidelines, ensuring precise and accurate readings.

Recommendation to the Buyers

We strongly recommend that buyers keep the results of their readings to themselves for at least 10 weeks and refrain from discussing them with others. The energies of third parties can significantly influence the outcome of the readings and may even disrupt the process with their own energy. By maintaining confidentiality, you can ensure a more accurate and insightful reading tailored to your own unique energy and circumstances.


Our Tarot Card Reading service is offered for entertainment and spiritual insight purposes only. The interpretations provided by our readers are subjective and should not be considered a substitute for professional advice. Tarot cards do not predict specific outcomes, and the reading is a reflection of energy at the time of the session. It is not a tool for diagnosing health or legal issues. Clients engaging in this service acknowledge that it is a form of art and personal insight, and the reader’s interpretations are not guaranteed. Decisions based on the reading are at the individual’s discretion. By using this service, you agree to these terms.


Report Delivery Time: 4 – 48 working hours

  • Seeker's Profile

    *Date of Birth
    Time of Birth
    *Zodiac Sign
    *Relationship Status
    *Your Reading's Topic
    If you have a specific matter for which you seek insight, describe it here

    Before uploading a photo, take a moment to read this article to ensure that your attached portrait photo complies with the photo guidelines, ensuring precise and accurate readings.

    Individual's Portrait Photo (optional)
    • (max file size 4 MB)

    By purchasing our intuitive reading service, the buyer acknowledges and willingly grants permission for the reader to connect energetically, either on themselves or on a third party, solely for the purpose of conducting the reading. This permission is extended with the understanding that the energetic connection is established with utmost respect, sensitivity, and ethical considerations, with the sole intention of providing insightful and meaningful readings.

SKU: TAROT Category:


Tarot card reading is a spiritual practice that involves tapping into one’s intuition to interpret symbolic cards. It serves as a compassionate form of coaching, providing insights into life’s challenges and opportunities. This ancient art promotes healing by offering guidance and self-reflection, fostering a deep understanding of personal journeys. Through empathy and connection, tarot readings aim to illuminate paths towards success, empowering individuals to navigate their lives with clarity and purpose. The cards serve as a tool for introspection, guiding seekers on a transformative journey towards self-discovery and fulfilment.

How It Works

Tarot cards, read since ancient times, operate on the principle of synchronicity, a concept elucidated by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. Synchronicity suggests meaningful connections between seemingly unrelated events, providing insight into life’s complexities. The 78-card deck consists of the Major Arcana, guiding major life events, and the Minor Arcana, addressing everyday challenges. Ancient civilizations, such as Egypt and China, employed divination cards resembling the tarot. Jung’s exploration of archetypes and the collective unconscious sheds light on the symbolic language of the cards.

Tarot readings create a healing space, encouraging self-reflection and understanding. Drawing and interpreting cards facilitate introspection, providing insight into one’s thoughts and emotions. The ancient practice, enriched by Jung’s insights, combines symbolism, archetypes, and synchronicity to inspire personal growth. Tarot becomes a conduit for ancient wisdom, guiding individuals on a transformative journey toward healing, self-discovery, and a deeper connection to their innate wisdom.

  1. Fill In The Form: Specify any particular questions or areas of your life you’d like the Tarot Reading to focus on. Your input aids our skilled tarot card readers in tailoring a more personalized and insightful experience for you.
  2. Add to Cart: Place the Tarot Card Reading service in your cart and finalize your purchase.
  3. Intuitive Interpretation: Our Tarot readers will tap into your energy, intuitively interpreting the cards’ patterns and symbols. They will translate these insights into meaningful guidance, providing a deeper understanding of your past, present, and potential paths ahead.
  4. Detailed Reading Report: Following the interpretation, you’ll receive a comprehensive report via email (the same email used for purchase). This report analyzes the Tarot cards, offering insights into various aspects of your life, such as relationships, career, personal growth, and more.

Why Choose a Tarot Card Reading?

Tarot readings provide spiritual coaching by tapping into the symbolic language of archetypes and the collective unconscious. This guidance promotes spiritual growth, helping individuals navigate challenges and seize opportunities with clarity. The process of drawing and interpreting cards not only facilitates healing but also establishes a realm for introspection and self-love. Through the ancient wisdom embedded in the tarot cards, individuals can address emotional wounds, gain insights into their thought patterns, and cultivate a sense of inner peace. The tarot becomes a supportive companion on the journey toward self-love and acceptance.

  1. Profound Insight: Tarot readings offer profound insights into various aspects of your life. Whether you’re seeking clarity on love, career, or personal growth, Tarot cards provide a unique lens to explore hidden truths.
  2. Personalized Guidance: Our skilled Tarot readers tailor each reading to your specific questions and concerns. The personalized nature of the readings ensures that you receive guidance that resonates with your unique life journey.
  3. Connection to Spirituality: Tarot readings foster a connection to your spiritual self and the unseen realms. The cards act as a conduit, allowing you to tap into higher guidance and gain a deeper understanding of your spiritual purpose.
  4. Empowerment: Tarot readings empower you to make informed decisions. By shedding light on potential outcomes and paths, you gain the knowledge needed to navigate life’s challenges with confidence.
  5. Holistic Perspective: Tarot provides a holistic perspective on your life, considering the interconnectedness of various aspects. It’s a tool for self-reflection that encourages a comprehensive understanding of your circumstances.
  6. Positive Transformation: Many individuals find that Tarot readings catalyze positive transformation. By unveiling hidden dynamics and offering constructive guidance, Tarot empowers you to shape a more fulfilling and purposeful future.

Photo Guidelines

✅ Valid Photos

Valid photos include clear profile images featuring a single individual with their face and eyes clearly visible, enabling direct eye-contact. These photos should be well-lit and focused, allowing for a detailed analysis of facial features.

Examples of valid portraits:

❌ Invalid Photos

Invalid photos typically involve low resolution, poor lighting, obscured or blurry faces, the presence of multiple individuals in the frame, obscured eyes, the use of glasses or sunglasses, not facing straight and closed eyes. To guarantee accurate and insightful readings, it’s essential to submit high-quality images that distinctly capture the individual’s facial characteristics, especially the eyes. This ensures a precise and meaningful analysis.

Examples of invalid portraits:


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Fay Spirits - Service, Tarot Card Reading

Tarot Card Reading

40.00 incl. VATAdd to cart